Wednesday 28 May 2014

Implementing the Page Object pattern in C# using Microsoft Coded UI


The following is an Example of implementing the Page Object pattern in C# using Microsoft Coded UI. It will help build less brittle and repeatable test.  Note to write and run coded UI test you need visual Studio Premium or Above.

Page Object Pattern

There is a lot of information on the Selenium Wiki also Martin Fowler has a great blog on the subject. The following blog is a practical example of how to implement the pattern in C# using coded UI.

Application under Test

The example below is written to test the Contoso University sample web application you can follow the link to download and build the app in visual studio.
To ensure the app can be automated you will need add some Automation ID’s; the automation id is a property which helps you to find a specific UI element. There are many ways to identify UI elements but having a set ID will make things easier.
On the Nav bar you will need to add an ID for the Create Student Link

Find the Layout View (Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml) and add an ID.

You will need to do the same for create student view (Views\Student\Create.cshtml)

Do the same for First Name (student-firstname), Enrolment Date (student-enrolmentdate) and the create button. The create button is a HTML element see below for an example.

Now build and run the app, you can use the browser development tools to verify the ID’s.

Creating a coded UI test project

You will need to create a new coded UI test project.

Cancel the Generate coded UI Test window 

And add a blank unit test.

Coding the Page Object Pattern

Let’s consider a 3 simple test case for create student, the expected outcomes are;
  1. Student is created
  2. User is returned to Home Page
  3. Student is Listed on Home Page

The follow example focuses on test case 3.  Now consider the Steps needed;
  1. Open the browser
  2.  Select Create Student on the nav bar
  3. Enter student details on the Create Student Page
  4. Click Create
  5. Assert the student is shown on the homepage 
The code for the test might look something like this

The model Page Object Pattern for The Homepage  would look like this.

Homepage is defined as a new class.

In this example there is a basic constructor; the browser window is assigned to a field as we need it elsewhere.

In a future post I will deal with adding code to verify the page is loaded.

A method is needed to click the Create Student Link and return a new page. The mouse handler is part of Coded UI API.  

Create Student Link is a property in the Homepage Class.

Because we are using ID’s to identify the UI elements we only need 1 search property.

Notice the Class of HtmlHyperlink The HtmlControls namespace provides classes that represent HTML controls. This is how all the hyper link properties and methods are exposed to the tests.

The create student page might look something like this

In the test we use the HtmlEdit.Text Property  to input the text, you could use Send Keys and create a wrapper method in the page class.  

Now run the test and it will pass.


I have shown an example of how to create a page object pattern in c# using Microsoft Coded UI. A full copy of the code can be download from Future post will show examples on how to create a page objects patterns in Selenium and c#.

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